Sunday, January 8, 2012

Celebrating Our First Week of Homeschool

With our first week of homeschool completed, we felt everyone's efforts should be rewarded.  So a celebration was planned!  The kids and I blew up balloons to fill the house, ate cupcakes brought home by Daddy (and even blew out the candles), made cookies, and stayed in our PJs all day.  Clark and I even went on a date night. :)

We are so proud of how all three kiddos behaved this past week.  Old Crow was eager to begin each morning and worked hard to complete every activity.  Crazy Horse played quietly by himself in the playroom while we finished up school...and he didn't even ask to turn on the tv.  And Memphis Belle sat at the table with us and played with unifix cubes for 30 minutes straight (after pulling all the papers off the table, walking around with a sharpened pencil, and dumping magnetic letters all over the floor).

So, I'd say we are off to a great start!!!!


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